You Vibing? | Elizabeth Horner Turner

What I got is so much more than cottagecore honey

I am the ruin, a structural end I hoard the broken 

come with me we’ll start a wrecked beginning

I’ll manifest architecture that makes us wet       columns 

pressed tin ceilings covered in moss rotted beams 

to make you quiver baby, you can rake my tapestries down

blow these faded walls apart I’m toppled over 

the dust’s all settled we can open our legs, love 

these bones are bleached and the ghosts I’ve got 

haunt ache and want I’ll anchor all your angles

mallet our filigrees to bits applique our desires 

with bespoke lichen, bespoke webbing we’ll mount 

the uninhabitable, love we’ll cream all the pants

let’s work these ravaged shells our own ennui rebellion 

sugar        we could be so much more than shabby chic

Elizabeth Horner Turner’s work has been published in Cutbank, Fairy Tale Review, Gulf Coast, Lost Balloon, Pink Plastic House, and semicolon literary journal, among other journals. Her work has been selected for inclusion in Best Small Fictions 2021, and she's been awarded scholarships to attend the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and Tin House Writer’s Workshop. Her chapbook, The Tales of Flaxie Char, was published through dancing girl press. She lives in San Francisco and can be found online: @lhornert


Entropic Digressions - G. R. Bilodeau


Unfurl - Godefroy Dronsart